Social reason: FERNANDO ASTIZ
CUIT / CUIL: 20230324167
Fantasy name or Trademark: COTTAGE REBELS
Company profile: Produces and commercializes Products
Name and Surname: FERNANDO ASTIZ
Charge and Sector of the Responsible: Dueño
Phone and Internal: +549297 5941920
Cell Contact: +549297 5941920
Locality: Trevelin
Zip Code: 9203
Corporate domicile or Headquarters, Local production: Aldea Los Cipreses, Ruta 259 Km 64, costa del Rio Grande o Futaleufú
Business phone: +549297 5941920
Sector - 1: Live animals
Sector - 2:
Sector - 3:
Tariff Position: 0101
Description of the Product or Service that is Exported: Cría y adiestramiento de Caballos Criollos