Social reason: GONZALO SORIANO
CUIT / CUIL: 23182264369
Fantasy name or Trademark: BIONOVA
Company profile: Produces and commercializes Products
Name and Surname: GONZALO SORIANO
Charge and Sector of the Responsible: PROPIETARIO
Phone and Internal: 2804663504
Cell Contact: 2804663504
Locality: Puerto Madryn, Chubut
Zip Code: 9120
Corporate domicile or Headquarters, Local production: Castelli 351Puerto Madryn, Chubut
Business phone: 2804663504
Certificaciones: Certificación Orgánica
Sector - 1: Other primary products
Sector - 2:
Sector - 3:
Tariff Position: 1212.21
Description of the Product or Service that is Exported: Algas Marinas y extractos