
Who we are

Contact details

Social reason: GEOPATAGONIA S.R.L.

CUIT / CUIL: 30655326320

Fantasy name or Trademark: GEOPATAGONIA S.R.L.

Company profile: Produces and commercializes Products

Name and Surname: Alejandro Schiavoni

Charge and Sector of the Responsible: Gerente General

Phone and Internal: 54 297 4480309 Interno 106

Locality: Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut

Zip Code: 9000

Corporate domicile or Headquarters, Local production: Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen 5045

Corporate Email or Area Responsible:

Business phone: 54 297 4480309 Interno 106

Associations and Certifications

What We Offer

Sector - 1: Architectural and engineering services

Sector - 2:

Sector - 3:

Description of the Product or Service that is Exported: Una empresa de servicios para la industria petrolera nacida en la Patagonia Argentina. Desde 1992 brindando colaboración y asesoramiento a las Empresas Operadoras, en las etapas de Exploración, Perforación, Desarrollo, Producción, Cementación y Abandono de Pozos.




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Our customer service hours by this channel is Monday to Friday 08:00 am. to 14:00 pm.